$(function(){ $("#demoForm").formwizard({ formPluginEnabled: true, validationEnabled: true, inDuration:1, outDuration:1, focusFirstInput : true, formOptions :{ success: function(data){$("#status").show(function(){ $(this).html('')}) ,$("#demoForm").hide("slow")}, //beforeSubmit: function(data){$("#data").html("data sent to the server: " + $.param(data));}, //dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', resetForm: true }, validationOptions : { errorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.html('Required'); if(element.closest('.form_field').find('label.error').length == 0){ error.insertBefore( element.closest('.form_field').find('.error_message_holder') ); } } , rules: { Email: { required: true, email: true } }, messages: { Email: { required: "Please specify your email", email: "Please use the format example@domain.com" }, } } } ); // function for appending step visualization function addVisualization(id){ $("#step_visualization").append(id) } // initial call to addVisualization (for visualizing the first step) addVisualization($("#demoForm").formwizard("state").currentStep); // bind a callback to the step_shown event $("#demoForm").bind("step_shown", function(event, data){ $("#step_visualization").html(""); $.each(data.activatedSteps, function(){ addVisualization(this) });}); }); function nextStep() { $("#demoForm").formwizard("next"); } $("#demoForm").formwizard("state"); $("#demoForm").validate({ rules: { thefield: { digits:true, required: true } }, tooltip_options: {placement: 'left' } });